Thursday, February 9, 2012

Writing, Yarny, and Me

Yarny is a wonderful "in the cloud" writing resource created by writers for writers, and I absolutely love it. It's extremely user friendly, saves your work for you as you write, stores your writing in the cloud so if your laptop gets stolen, lost, broken, or suffers the black screen of death, you haven't lost your precious book. It has places to keep track of people, places, and things, so if you need to remember your time line, places in the text, or something about your characters, you can keep the information there.

I have found it useful to copy and paste the chapters from the main screen over to the section on the right. There I can do my editing and still keep the original work in place. I can also use the "People" sections on the right to develop and keep notes on my characters.

On the left side of your Yarny screen, you can organize your chapters and sections, and move them around wherever you need them to be. AND, Yarny has a special section on their home page now for featured writers to post their writing links so others can read.

If you have criticisms, please have a suggestion along with it on how I can make it better. The story is written with young adults in mind.